About SKI Better

Roger Crombleholme - Instructor / Coach / Real Skier

Enjoy fantastic ski instruction delivered by Roger Crombleholme, a highly qualified and respected instructor and coach.

When it comes to alpine ski instruction and coaching, no matter what age, the Roger uses his tremendous teaching skills, knowledge, experience, technical skill, passion and commitment to help you excel.

As a coach, Roger is dedicated to your personal skiing development and success. Although he generally looks after students over an extended periods in a coach / athlete type relationship his sessions are regarded generally as fun and motivational, he is personable and approachable and dedicated to making your ski training an amazing and unforgettable experience!

When it all started....

Roger Crombleholme - Instructor / Coach / Real Skier

Roger's love skiing came from an unusual start, mountaineering in Scotland. When it was to risky to snow and ice climb in the Scottish Highlands due avalanche danger or bad weather, he had a go at skiing. He said that 'as money was tight, we hired or borrowed the skiing equipment, paid for no lift passes, walked up the slopes instead of using the lifts and had no instructors, we just copied what other skiers did. Now I know better. He would not encourage anyone to do this now... 'we had many falls learning the hard way, luckily none of them serious'. Then he went on a holiday with mates and never looked back. He loved the mountain environment already, added to this the speed and the atmosphere... it was great. Roger used to race train in the French, Austrian and English systems and entered races independently for himself in the Alps, not knowing that there was skiing in the UK, and then got picked up by Telford Ski Club in the West Midlands and was introduced to Alan Ashfield. Along with others Alan helped and encouraged him to develop into the renowned coach and instructor he is today. He can still be seen doing the occasional race when time allows! His last serious snow races were in Slalom and GS in Les Diablerets in Switzerland in 1990 where he came 23rd and 30th respectively, the fastest British skier on the day.

Since then he has continued to develop his skills and hopes to never stop learning. He is a BASI International Ski Instructor with ISIA stamp, Level 4 Development Coach, UKCP Level 3 Performance (Race) Coach and Coach Mentor with Snowsport England, Coaches racers and recreational skiers in both performance and development streams, holds APC Level 2 performance coaching qualifications, ISIA and IVSI international instructor and coaching licenses. He is the Head Coach of the Midland Ski Club and Central England Snowsports Association region of the UK. You will find he is very passionate about your skiing as he is his own and loves to pass on his knowledge and experience to whoever he is working with.

What sets SKIbetter Performance Coaching apart?

Roger says 'Well, its all to do with my approach. I am not a traditional ski school instructor just teaching people a few hours a day, for few days, or every now and then. He likes to develop long term relationships with his clients and preferably teach them all year round leading to an on snow experience as well'.

Roger has a renowned reputation for delivering high quality racers, ski instructors and recreational skiers.

I a few words he said 'I am dedicated to committing myself to working with each skier until they reach the standard they wish to achieve. I will create a skill and performance profile of them, agree realistic and achievable goals and help them achieve them'.

SKIbetter Partners and Associations